Raavblaa Online Economy Update Live

Due to massive amounts of player feedback we have found it necessary to update the economy of Raavblaa Redemption Online.  We have removed all existing Coins.  Now the world is destitute and poor.  The hammer of poverty has fallen on our heads once again.

Please head to https://ragtagradical.itch.io/blavraa to get the latest build.  We appreciate your patience and your piety.

(Actually, I just managed to fix the coin dropping, syncing, and picking up to work as I originally intended it to.)
Players can drop all of their coins into a stack, the coins will stay in place until someone picks them up.  Meaning 1 Coin = 1 Death.  There really weren't supposed to be so many launchers right away!  You were supposed to WORK for it!  But c'est la vie l'economie potpourri i don't speak french.

(Also, I modified the Lava sprite) 


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Dec 07, 2018

Get Bla v Raa : Eternal God Battle Brothers

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